Caroline Gass
In the last few years, financial-markets regulation has produced a hitherto unexperienced tide of legislative initiatives. In order to react appropriately to this development, finance-sector expert teams from BDO Member Firms have joined forces in the Global Financial Services Sector Group. With its headquarters in Germany, the Global Financial Services Sector Group has created the opportunity to represent the interests of our clients vis à vis the supervisory authorities and legislators at the global level with a uniform offering and to react to cross-border issues quickly and expertly.
The new group is in addition to the EU Banking Union Desk established by BDO in 2014, which supports European institutions in complying with the specific requirements of the EU banking union.
EU Banking Union Desk
In compliance with the current regulatory requirements, we can provide focused qualified teams for the following sectors:
b. Financial services institutions
i. Leasing and factoring companies
ii. Investment service providers
c. Payment services
d. Asset Management | Capital management companies and investment funds
e. Financial investment intermediaries
Alongside this, our employees have the methodological expertise necessary for audit and advisory in the areas of audit & assurance, out-/co-sourcing audit, risk & compliance, tax & legal, and advisory as well as fintech & digital transformation.
Caroline Gass
Björn Grunwald
Diana Imhof
Fatih Köylüoglu
Lilia Knaub
Dr. Gebhard Zemke
Wolfgang Otte
Tobias Bordt
Michael Eisenhuth
Matthias Oßmann