Audit & Assurance

Audit & Assurance

In the scope of our audit work, we perform all types auditing of financial statements according to national and international principles: statutory, voluntary, and on request by regulators. In addition to this, we cover the full range of audit-related services from internal audits, through designing and appraising systems for risk and opportunities management, to assessing compliance with regulatory requirements.

Secure, accelerated and customised processes in the audit help our clients to consistently exploit opportunities and manage risks. After all boards, investors and regulatory authorities today require full transparency and compatibility in regulatory compliance, accounting and reporting. Our audit approach focuses on the unique challenges of the financial industry and is supported by state of the art instruments. More specifically, we ensure the quality and efficiency of our work through the use of modern auditing software with integrated checklists and sample reports for all kinds of tests and regulatory issues.

In the case of credit and financial services institutions, as well as capital management companies and investment funds, one of the auditor's tasks is to carry out checks and investigations on facts that lie within the focus of the regulatory authorities in the context of auditing the consolidated and annual accounts (§ 29 KWG) or statutory reporting and rules of conduct in the securities services business (§ 36 WpHG). These checks and investigations can also be made on specific request from the regulators (cf. §§ 30, 44 KWG).

The specific legal bases for the auditing of supervised institutes by auditors include, e.g., the provisions of §§ 29, 30, 44 KWG or §§ 35, 36 WpHG. The auditing requirements are concretised by regulatory standards in further regulations and announcements by national and European regulatory authorities. Based on these regulations, auditors draw conclusions on

  • the economic circumstances
  • equity
  • liquidity
  • reporting and statutory reporting
  • the regulatory scope of consolidation
  • large-scale and multimillion loans
  • the remuneration system
  • business managers and supervisory bodies
  • the disclosure report and

a number of other business-related issues.

The employees of our Industry Centre Financial Services have extensive experience in auditing leading companies in the financial sector – in Germany and internationally. Due to our flat hierarchy, we are able to quickly adapt to our clients' requirements, develop individual audit strategies and set appropriate priorities for our risk-oriented audit.

To ensure quality we have assigned each employee in our auditing department to one of our focus areas supervisory law, risk management, compliance, internal audit and loan business. The employees in these focus areas participate in a tailored training program, are deployed in these areas in the context of their daily work, and are able to effectively and efficiently complete auditing tasks, taking into account the current market standards. Our employees have access to continually updated information on accounting, regulatory legislation and auditing. In addition, our colleagues are represented on many professional or bank-related bodies and associations and are thus opinion drivers for all pertinent issues.

With our extensive experience in all forms of banking, we are the right contact for you – we ensure transparency and security for the supervisory board and shareholders.

Our auditing services include the following fields:

  • Voluntary and statutory annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements as per HGB, IFRS and US GAAP in accordance with the industry standards of KWG, HGB, RechKredV, PrüfbV and others.
  • Audit review of financial statements in line with HGB, IFRS and US GAAP
  • Auditing intermediate financial statements in line with HGB, IFRS and US GAAP
  • Auditing in line with § 44 f KWG
  • Depot auditing in compliance with the regulatory requirements relating to orderliness of depositing business and the fulfilment of securities delivery obligations
  • Audits in line with § 36 German Securities Trading Law (WpHG) in compliance with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) rules adopted into German law
  • Auditing asset value accounting (IDW PS 810)
  • Auditing the internal controlling system (ICS) for corporate reporting (IDW PS 982)
  • Special audits at the request of shareholders/court order (§ 142 ff. AktG)
  • Auditing carve-out financial statements
  • Appraising earnings forecasts and estimates (IDW PH 9.960.3)
  • Auditing pro-forma financial information (IDW PH 9.960.1)
  • Auditing additional elements of the financial statements (IDW PH 9.960.2)
  • Formation audits (§ 33 AktG)
  • Auditing the final balance sheet in the sense of § 17 para. 2 UmwG
  • Merger audit (§ 11 German Transformation Act - UmwG)
  • Impairment tests for non-cash contributions (§ 183 German Stock Corporation Act - AktG)
  • Audit review of past-orientated financial statements or their components (as per PS 490)
  • Auditing past-orientated financial statements or their components (as per PS 490)
  • Reviewing future-orientated financial information (ISAE 3400)
  • Appraisal of ICS for service providers (IDW PS 951)
  • Reviewing information on systems and processes (ISAE 3000)
  • Auditing the use of funds by fund management companies
  • Auditing/audit review of the sustainability report
  • Reviewing past-orientated non-financial information (ISAE 3000)
  • Reviewing the dependency report as per § 312 AktG
  • Auditing as per § 53 HGrG
  • Appraisal of the early risk detection system as per § 317 AktG
  • Auditing as per § 24 FinVermV
  • Issuing comfort letters IPO/going public (IDW PS 910)
  • Implementing agreed upon procedures (ISRS 4400))
  • Auditing systems as per § 20 WpHG for non-financial counterparties (IDW EPS 920)

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Contact us!

Caroline Gass

Caroline Gass

German Public Auditor, Partner, Financial Services Banking
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Dr. Gebhard Zemke

Dr. Gebhard Zemke

German Public Auditor, Certified Tax Advisor, Partner, Financial Services Banking
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Wolfgang Otte

Wolfgang Otte

German Public Auditor, Lawyer, Partner, Financial Services Banking
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Bjoern Butte

Bjoern Butte

Partner, Auditor, Financial Services
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