Audits with specific regulatory and/or industry requirements

We help you to meet the steadily growing regulatory and industry-specific requirements.
Our range of services to deal with specific regulatory and/or industry requirements:

Auditing of financial statements for special business types that are not covered by the provisions of the Publizitätsgesetz (PublG) (German disclosure act), such as

  • Credit and financial services institutions
  • Insurance companies
  • Pension funds

Auditing as per §53 of the HGrG (German budget act)
Auditing certain traders

  • Auditing of estate agents and property developers (§16 of the MaBV (German real estate agent and commercial construction industry ordinance))
  • Auditing of financial investment intermediaries (§24 of the FinVermV (German financial assets mediation order))

Audits regarding applications for grants/allowances

  • As per EEG (Renewable Energy Sources Act) or KWKG (German cogeneration act)
  • Identifying recognised investment expenditures
  • As per the Alten- und Pflegegesetzes Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia elderly and care act)

Auditing industry-specific reports

  • Auditing the ‘letter of representation’ for sales packaging introduced on the market
  • Auditing of reports relating to the types and amounts of electrical and electronic equipment
  • Auditing of the proper payment of fees to Der Grüne Punkt – Duales System Deutschland GmbH (DSD)
  • Auditing of the proper indication of reorder quantities for transport/sales packaging (INTERSEROH)

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