Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law

Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law

Indirect taxes such as customs and excise duties become more and more important for businesses. Our specialists from our German Customs, Excise Duties and Foreign Trade Services based in Berlin advise their clients on a wide range of indirect taxes as well as foreign trade law aspects. We work with our clients to develop indirect tax strategies that align with their business strategies.

Our team of experts is pleased to help your company with national and international business transactions drawing on our interdisciplinary expertise and optimum use of synergy effects due to the close proximity to our VAT department and other special units of BDO.

BDO will help you with what you’re looking for

  • A proactive customs and/or foreign trade law as well as excise duties review (your company’s check-up, which includes due diligence investigations)
  • Recommendations to optimize customs, foreign trade law and excise duties, guidance during structural changes (new trade flows, legal reorganizations, implementation of new accounting software, etc.) and filing requests for rulings, representation against administration and courts
  • Support during a customs audit or during a dispute with the customs and/or foreign trade administration
  • The execution of excise duties formalities for periodic declarations and related returns
  • Training and support with regard to customs, excise duties and foreign trade law issues
  • Coordination of international customs and foreign trade law compliance projects
  • Advisory regarding other/related fields such as:
    • renewable energy
    • combined heat and power
    • insurance tax
    • aviation tax
    • vehicle tax
    • introduction of the US-export control
    • agricultural duties, export refunds, internal market rules

We would welcome the opportunity to learn more about you and your business. This will enable us to find effective and economic ways to support your business and even develop new ideas for further projects together with you.

Request for proposal

Contact us!

Michael Knoll

Michael Knoll

Lawyer, Senior Manager, Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law
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Grit Köthe

Grit Köthe

Lawyer, Partner, Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law
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Sören Premer

Sören Premer

Lawyer, Senior Manager, Customs, Excise Duties & Foreign Trade Law
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