Frank Gerber
One basic human need is the need for security.
Especially in times of globalisation, increasing mobility and the growing dependence of companies on the information and communication technology, the pressure on companies to take action to prevent damage and minimise the residual risk through active information security management is increasing.
The rule here: Security is a top priority.
One widely held view is that security measures are inevitably associated with expensive investments in security technology and employing highly qualified personnel. But this is not true.
The most important success factors are common sense, well-thought-out organisational policies, and reliable and well-informed employees who autonomously observe security requirements in a disciplined and routine way. Creating and implementing an efficient and effective information security concept thus does not need to be horribly expensive.
BDO can assist you with the following services:
According to Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security, business continuity planning is a process that aims, at an early stage, to detect serious risks for a company that threaten the company’s survival, and to establish countermeasures.
Business continuity planning comprises a planned and organised approach to sustainably increasing the resilience of an enterprise’s (time-)critical business processes, responding appropriately to incidents and being able to take up operations again as quickly as possible.
Business continuity planning is also known as business continuity management (BCM).
We are happy to support you in the following areas:
As part of our activities in the field of IT security, we also offer tests at a high technical level. Our experts are available for the following topics:
We offer our clients penetration testing, including comprehensive security tests on individual computers or networks, regardless of their size. The penetration test relies on security scanning software and tools/resources that a potential attacker (hacker) would deploy to infiltrate (penetrate) the system without authorisation.
The penetration test thus detects vulnerabilities of the defined system against such attacks, which can then be selectively eliminated.
The implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) based on the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 supports companies in the systematic identification and analysis of risks that arise in the context of using information, through to rolling out and maintaining appropriate monitoring and control mechanisms.
BDO with its experts can assist you both in the establishment of such an information security management system and in auditing existing systems.
The content of this support can include:
If so desired, we can also offer an audit by a licensed BSI auditor with subsequent BSI certification.
Frank Gerber