Advisory services for internationally operating corporate groups
Management of corporate restructuring
Optimization of corporate structures
Non-profit professional sports clubs
Sector focus
Retail & consumer goods
Further sector expertise
Professional sport
Member of Steuerberaterkammer
Consulting Practice Family Businesses - Family Holding Company: Establishment of the Holding Structure, GmbHR 17/2023, 902
On the Legal Consequences of Section 8c of the Corporate Tax Act (KStG) in the Event of Harmful Acquisition of Shares During the Fiscal Year, FR 19/2014, 889
Trade Tax Loss Carryforward within Two-tiered Partnerships, Ubg, 08/2014, 495
Section 6a of the Real Estate Transfer Tax Act (GrEStG) - Tax Relief in Corporate Restructurings Only in Exceptional Cases, 10/2012, 649