Lutz Specht

Lutz Specht

Partner, Pensions and Actuarial Services

Company Pension Scheme Actuary Services

Executive summary

Practice areas

  • Valuation of pension obligations according to HGB/EStG (German GAAP), IFRS and US GAAP
  • Valuation of jubilee and partial retirement obligations according to HGB/EStG, IFRS and US GAAP
  • Actuarial forecasts
  • Consulting in the area of company pension plans

Industry expertise

  • Civil servant pensions
  • Pension funds
  • Direct pension commitments
  • Lifetime work accounts
  • Support funds
  • Various company pension schemes for a broad range of clients in different branches
  • Preparation and review of actuarial reports
  • Supporting and consulting international audits and Due Diligence

Additional information

  • Member of the German Association of Actuaries (DAV)
  • Member of the Institute of Actuarial Experts (IVS)
  • Member of the IDW Working Group on Pension Obligations in HGB Financial Statement