Sophienstraße 7
09130, Chemnitz, Germany
Phone: +49 371 4348-0
Fax:+49 371 4348-300
When it comes to the success of your company, BDO is the right partner for you. With our many years of experience in the consulting and auditing business, we offer you the highest quality at 28 offices throughout Germany. Our experts from the Audit & Assurance, Tax & Legal and Advisory departments in Chemnitz are your contacts for first-class service in the east of Germany. You will receive competent support from our nationwide industry centers and specialist departments. With interdisciplinary teams of experts, we offer you more than 400 individual cross-divisional services that are precisely tailored to your individual needs.
Our employees look after clients throughout Germany personally, with great commitment and specialist know-how. International networking is just as much a key component of our range of services as our regional roots. We are a founding member of the international BDO network established in 1963 - the only globally active auditing and consulting organization with European roots and almost 120,000 employees today.
Sophienstraße 7
09130, Chemnitz, Germany
Phone: +49 371 4348-0
Fax:+49 371 4348-300
In Chemnitz and at 27 other offices throughout Germany, our auditors, tax advisors and other experts support you in all company-related matters. We offer you support that is as intensive as it is personal, regardless of your sector or legal form. If you have any questions about our services, get in touch with your contact person in Chemnitz to receive competent support with many years of experience.
Sylke Kulik
Torsten Rehmer
Anja Seyfert
Dr. Cornelia Teich
Frank Wiethoff